Solving Data Quality Challenges with Tamr Core
You use projects to address data quality issues that result from integrating siloed data from internal and external sources.
Tamr Core software automates data preparation activities: combine, consolidate, and categorize. In an iterative process, it uses expert input to capture domain knowledge and assure accuracy, and then applies models to make the technology scalable.
To help you achieve different goals for your data, Tamr Core offers the following types of projects:
- Schema mapping projects align disparate data sources to a unified schema, guided by recommended mappings.
- Mastering projects match records into clusters to eliminate duplicates for mastered views of any entity. To complete the process of mastering data records, golden records projects use attributes in clustered data records to create unique, complete, up-to-date records for entities.
- Categorization projects create a normalized view of data by applying a meaningful hierarchy to records.
You can then use the clean, unified data from one or more projects to power the analytics, data visualization, business intelligence, and other tools in use by your organization.
This Tamr Core Overview provides an introduction to each project type and to advanced product features. The Tamr Core Documentation set then provides detailed information for completing tasks based on the different user roles that can be assigned.
Updated over 1 year ago