How to Factory Reset Tamr on a Single-Node Deployment
In some cases it is necessary to factory reset your instance of Tamr. Whether this is to clear out an instance before implementing a restore procedure (always recommended) or simply to start with a clean instance, the steps are the same. Below is the recipe to clear out Tamr data and metadata on a single-node deployment, making it a fresh instance.
Please note that all of these steps have to be run or Tamr will be in an inconsistent state and likely to be unable to start/run.
Step 1: Before beginning, ensure that you are signed in as the Tamr functional user. First save as a reference, then reset all configuration variables
Save configuration for reference.
${TAMR_HOME}/tamr/utils/ config:get --userDefined > config_custom_<date>.yaml
${TAMR_HOME}/tamr/utils/ config:get > config_all_<date>.yaml
Now reset.
${TAMR_HOME}/tamr/utils/ config:reset
Step 2: Turn off Tamr and dependencies.
Step 3: Remove the underlying data stored in Tamr.
rm -r ${TAMR_HOME}/tamr/hbase-data
rm -r ${TAMR_HOME}/tamr/unify-data
Step 4: Remove data from Elasticsearch.
rm -r ${TAMR_HOME}/elasticsearch-5.6.3/data
rm -r ${TAMR_HOME}/elasticsearch-with-plugins-6.8.2/data
Note: The elasticsearch-5.6.3/data will only exist if TAMR_ELK_ENABLED=true
in Tamr configurations.
Step 5: Clear out metadata from postgres; drop the ‘doit’ database and create new ‘doit’ database with owner as ‘tamr’.
sudo su - postgres
After the psql shell launches, run these commands:
Step 6: Switch back to the Tamr functional user and turn on Tamr dependencies.
Step 7: Re-apply any user-defined configuration variables.
${TAMR_HOME}/tamr/utils/ config:set --file config_custom_<date>.yaml
Step 8: Turn on Tamr.
In cases that the above commands cannot be executed, please contact for assistance.
Updated 4 months ago