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Verifier Tasks and Responsibilities

Verifiers provide expertise in mastering and categorizations projects, and have the ability to verify records.


User roles are cumulative: in addition to the tasks and responsibilities described in this guide, verifiers can complete all actions available to reviewers.

Introducing the Verifier Role

As a verifier, you use Tamr Core to contribute your data knowledge to Tamr projects and manage the assignment of review tasks. In mastering projects, you can assign pair and cluster reviews to other team members in addition to labelling pairs, verifying record pairs, and verifying clusters. In categorization projects, you can assign records to other team members as well as upvote, downvote, and verify categorizations.

You serve as a coordinator in projects by assigning tasks and as a subject matter expert by verifying pairs and clusters or categorizations. You can also complete all of the tasks that a reviewer can complete. Verifiers may have read access to schema mapping or golden records projects, but do not take an active role.

Helpful Pages for Verifiers