Filtering Record Pairs
You can filter record pairs by priority, assignment, and other characteristics.
Open filtering options by selecting Filter on the Pairs page.
To close the filters panel, select Filter again.
Tips for Filtering Pairs
Tips for using filters to review and label record pairs effectively:
- Prioritize high-impact pairs.
- For a "To-do" list, set the My assignments filter to Open. Alternatively, set the My response filter to No Response.
- Attribute filters allow you to select attributes and how similar or dissimilar their values are.
- To reduce the number of record pairs that display further, you can use more than one filter.
Filtering Options
Filter: | Options: |
Pairs | - High-impact pairs: High-impact record pairs are pairs which have the most utility for training the machine learning model. - Pairs with comments. |
Assignment | - My assignments: your own assignments. - All expert assignments: by all assigned pairs. When you select either filtering option, you can further filter to assignments that are skipped, open, or completed. |
Responses | Filter by expert, Tamr Core, and your own responses to pair suggestions, as well as by Tamr Core's confidence in its pair suggestions. - Has expert responses: All record pairs with a response from any project contributor. - Has inferred responses: Pairs Tamr Core learned and labeled based on cluster verification. - My response: All record pairs where your response is one of Anything, Match, No match, Skip, or No Response. - Experts agree on: All record pairs where all contributors agree on Match, No match, Skipped. - Verified response: All record pairs where the expert response has been verified as Match, No match, or Anything (either match or no match), or Nothing. - Tamr's response: All record pairs where Tamr Core's response is Match, No Match, or Anything (either match or no match), or Nothing. - Tamr's confidence: All record pairs where Tamr Core's confidence is High, Medium, or Low. |
Sources | - Show pairs from: select which source dataset(s) to view records from. - Top row from: The top record in a pair can be selected from a specific source. - Bottom row from: The bottom record in a pair can be selected from a specific source. |
Attribute Similarities | Filter by the similarity of selected attributes and the specified similarity score range. When Tamr Core pairs two records, it compares the values for each attribute and calculates a similarity score from 0 to 100 for that pair of values. This filter option can help you find and label record pairs that, based on your knowledge of the data, have a greater likelihood of matching or not matching. Because Tamr Core cannot compute a similarity score if one or both of the values are null, empty, or blank, you can also define a filter for pairs that do not have a similarity score for an attribute. Enable the Pairs without similarity scores toggle. See example below of filtering by attribute similarity. |
Removing Filters
To remove all filters, select Remove next to Filter .
Updated over 2 years ago