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Installing Tamr Core

Instructions to run the Tamr Core standard installation.

Tamr Home Directory Requirements

Before installing Tamr Core, identify an installation directory, such as /data/tamr. The directory in which Tamr Core is installed is referred to as the Tamr home directory or <tamr-home-directory> in examples in this documentation.

You specify the directory's location when you install Tamr Core and cannot subsequently modify it. Follow these requirements when identifying the Tamr home directory.

  • The directory is not located on the root mount /.
  • The directory is located on a mount with the required disk space, such as /data.
  • The directory is owned by the tamr functional user.

important Important: Do not set a local environment variable for the Tamr home directory.

Installing Tamr Core

Before You Begin:

  • Review and complete the Tamr Core system requirements.
  • Obtain a license key by contacting Tamr Support at [email protected].
  • [Install NGINX] (doc:installing-nginx), a reverse proxy server which allows clients to access Tamr Core securely over HTTPS.
  • Install and start PostgreSQL.
    Note for AWS deployments: This step is required even if you already have an installed instance of PostgreSQL.
  • Create the database and database user for Tamr Core to access PostgreSQL. Verify PostgreSQL is accessible for the defined database, username, and password.
  • Verify the ulimit resource limits defined in /etc/security/limits.d/99-tamr.conf.
  • Verify that the current user is the functional user, such as tamr.
  • Obtain the Tamr Core software bundle
  • Identify the installation directory, as described in Tamr Home Directory Requirements above.

To install Tamr Core software:

  1. Unpack the Tamr Core software bundle in the Tamr home directory:
  1. Start all Tamr Core application dependencies:
  1. Configure Tamr Core to use the PostgreSQL password used during database creation. If you need to change the password, see Changing the PostgreSQL Password.
  2. Provide a valid license key to Tamr Core. See Setting the License Key.
  3. (Optional) Configure Tamr Core to use non-default settings. For example, specify custom ports. (You also can configure Tamr Core at a later time.) See Configuring Tamr and Changing the Default Tamr Port.
  4. Start Tamr Core:
  1. Configure backup settings. See Configuring Backup.