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Adding a Dataset to a Project

Add a previously-uploaded dataset to a project.

Typically, the admin who creates a project uploads one or more datasets to it and then gives other team members access to it. This topic describes how you add any previously-uploaded dataset that you can access to a project. You can also upload a new dataset into a project.

Note: Team members with the admin role control access to datasets and projects. If you cannot add a dataset to a project, verify your permission settings with an admin.

To add a dataset to a project:

  1. Open a schema mapping, mastering, or categorization project and select Datasets.
  2. Select Edit datasets. A list of previously-uploaded datasets that you have access to appears.
  3. Select the checkbox for the dataset(s) you want to add.
    Optionally, you can use the search field at top right to search for a dataset by name, or filter the list to datasets that have a specific tag by choosing a tag at left.
  4. Select Save datasets.

Adding a dataset to a project.