Core Connect
This Tamr Core service imports data from and exports data to cloud storage.
The Core Connect service allows you to import and export large data files between Tamr Core and your cloud storage provider. Once configured, you can use this service through API calls. Core Connect supports API interaction through the Swagger UI or command-line utilities.
Important: Core Connect is in limited release. If you have questions about using the Core Connect limited release APIs, contact Tamr Support.
Before You Use Core Connect
Users require access to appropriate cloud storage locations.
Supported Connections and File Types
Connection | Import File Type | Export File Type |
S3 | Delimited Avro JSON* Parquet** | Delimited Avro JSON* Parquet** |
ADLS Gen 2 | Delimited Avro Parquet** | Delimited Avro Parquet** |
GCS | Delimited Avro Parquet** | Delimited Avro Parquet** |
Server local file system | Delimited Avro Parquet** | Delimited Avro JSON* Parquet** |
HDFS (export only) | N/A | Avro |
*Core Connect supports newline-Delimited JSON.
**To import or export Parquet files, you use the JDBC Driver for Parquet.
Supported JDBC Driver Versions
For each driver, see the related resources for the configuration and parameters specific to that driver.
Driver | Version | Related Resources |
SnowFlake | 3.9.0 | Snowflake JDBC driver documentation |
Amazon Redshift | | Amazon Redshift JDBC driver documentation |
MySQL | 5.1.4 # Note: This version supports the free MySQL Community Edition. | MySQL JDBC driver documentation |
Microsoft SQL Server / Azure SQL | 7.2.2.jre8 | Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver documentation |
Oracle RDBMS | | Oracle JDBC driver documentation |
H2 | 1.3.148 | H2 JDBC driver documentation |
Postgres | 42.3.3 | PostgreSQL JDBC driver documentation |
Hive | 1.1.0-cdh5.15.1 | Apache Hive documentation |
DataStax(DSE) Cassandra | 42 | DataStax documentation |
Teradata RDBMS | 17 | Teradata JDBC driver documentation |
Tibco TDV | 8.3 | TIBCO TDV JDBC driver documentation |
Presto | 0.255 | Presto JDBC driver documentation |
Google BigQuery | Provided via CData 21.0.8017 A separate license is required to use this driver. | CData BigQuery JDBC driver documentation |
Salesforce | Provided via CData 21.0.8017 A separate license is required to use this driver. | CData Salesforce JDBC driver documentation |
Parquet | Provided via CData 22.0.8278 A separate license is required to use this driver. | CData Parquet JDBC driver documentation |
Configuring Core Connect
Using the Core Connect API
Updated about 1 year ago