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User Guides

User Management

Create and manage user accounts in Tamr. View and edit groups, roles and permissions for each user.

By default, Tamr manages users itself, and relies on its own database-backed authentication and authorization.
In addition, you can:


Switching Users Between Internal and External Management

You can enable user accounts created in Tamr for external user management. For more information, see Editing a User's Information.



Users are user accounts tied to people or functional accounts that exist for specific applications to use.

You can:


Tamr has the following predefined user roles:

  • Administrator: This role is required for dataset, project and user management.
  • Curator: This role grants permission for all actions in a project (excluding those reserved for the Administrator), including the running of project jobs and the curation of assignments.
  • Reviewer: This role grants permission to review assignments in a project, navigate unified datasets and create comments.

Permissions Matrix By User Role

Dataset ManagementYesNoNo
Project ManagementYesNoNo
User ManagementYesNoNo
Job ExecutionYesYesNo
Curate AssignmentsYesYesNo
Review AssignmentsYesYesYes
View Unified DataYesYesYes


Groups are logical expressions of organization, tying users together for a common purpose. Groups allow you to organize user permissions for multiple users at once. You can edit a group's roles per project.

Auditing User Policies and Access

The Users page shows a table with the Member of Policy column for each user. You can see the number of policies for each user and use the link to obtain more information. Selecting the Member of Policy link displays:

  • A detailed report of all policies
  • Users who use them, and
  • Resources in each policy.

This report is per user. This allows you, as an administrator, to audit user policies, and review access to datasets and projects by each user. In the same report, you can add and remove the user from a particular policy. Adding the user to a policy allows you to choose one of the predefined user roles, curator or reviewer.