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Steps to run the Tamr standard installation.


System Requirements

Before proceeding with the followings steps, review the system requirements.

Install Postgres and Create the Database

  1. Install and start Postgres.
  1. Create a script called setup-tamr-database.sql with the following content:
-- Create Postgres database for Tamr Unify:
-- The below values for the username, password and database name are the defaults.
-- To use a different username and password, please see
-- Permissions:
-- The Unify user requires CRUD access to the tables in all the schemas in
-- the database used by Unify for normal operation.
-- For setup and upgrade, the user also requires CRUD on schema objects
-- and CRUD on schemas. The simplest configuration that accomplishes all of this
-- is to make the Unify user the owner of the database it uses.
-- NB: the Unify user does NOT require SUPERUSER access.
  1. Create the database by runnning the setup-tamr-database.sqlscript.
sudo su - postgres
psql -f setup-tamr-database.sql

Note that steps 2 and 3 are required even if you are installing Tamr while having your own Postgres instance already installed.

Install Tamr

Checklist before proceeding

  • Current user is the functional user, such as tamr.
  • Tamr software bundle
  • Postgres is listening.
  • Identified an installation directory, such as /data/tamr. See Tamr Home Directory.
  1. Unpack the Tamr software bundle in the Tamr home directory.
  1. Start all Tamr application dependencies.
  1. Optional. Configure Tamr to use non-default settings. While you can configure Tamr at any later time, it is convenient to configure any non-default values now. For example, you can provide the license key to Tamr, or specify custom ports. See Configuring Tamr, Setting the license key, and Changing the default Tamr port.
  2. Start Tamr.
  1. Check Tamr health.
  • Navigate to http://<hostname>:9100/docs#!/service/getHealth and choose Try it out, or
  • Use the curl command:
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://<hostname>:9100/api/service/health'
  1. Configure backup. See Configuring Backup.

Tamr Home Directory

The directory in which Tamr is installed is referred to as the Tamr home directory, or <tamr-home-directory>, in examples in this documentation. You determine the directory's location at the time of installing Tamr and cannot subsequently modify it. Do not set a local environment variable for the Tamr home directory.


Tamr Home Directory Requirements

Ensure that the Tamr home directory:

  1. Is not located on the root mount /, but is located on a mount with the required disk space, such as /data.
  2. Is owned by the Tamr functional user.