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Managing Record Pairs

Create and edit a binning model to generate record pairs that are a potential match.

Adding a Binning Term

To add a binning term:

  1. Navigate to the "Pairs" page of a Mastering project.
  2. Click Manage pair generation.
  3. Click Add another row.
  4. Hover between the new row and the previous row and click the "OR" separator.

Configuring a Binning Term


Consistent Tokenizer and Similarity Function

The configured tokenizer and similarity function of an attribute must be consistent across binning terms.

To configure a binning term:

  1. Navigate to the "Pairs" page of a Mastering project.
  2. Click Manage pair generation.
  3. Select the unified attribute name.
  4. Select a similarity threshold.
  5. Select a tokenizer and similarity function.

Estimating Record Pair Counts

To estimate record pair counts:

  1. Navigate to the "Pairs" page of a Mastering project.
  2. Click Manage pair generation.
  3. Click Estimate Counts.

Generating Record Pairs

To generate record pairs:

  1. Navigate to the "Pairs" page of a Mastering project.
  2. Click Manage pair generation.
  3. Click Generate Pairs.

Excluding Matching Within a Dataset


You can choose to exclude searching for matches within sources. For each selected source, record pairs are not generated within the source, only between the source and other sources.

To exclude matching within a dataset:

  1. Navigate to the "Pairs" page of a Mastering project.
  2. Click Manage pair generation.
  3. On the top right-hand-side, click the pop-out tab.
  4. Click + add source and choose a dataset in the drop-down box.