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Requirements for installing Tamr on a single server.

For hardware requirements, see here.


Dedicated Server

Do not run other software on a server where you intend to install and deploy Tamr.

Operating System

Tamr Home Directory

The directory in which Tamr is installed is referred to as the Tamr home directory, or <tamr-home-directory>, in examples in this documentation. You determine the directory's location at the time of installing Tamr and cannot subsequently modify it. Do not set a local environment variable for the Tamr home directory.


Tamr Home Directory Requirements

Ensure that the Tamr home directory:

  • Is not located on the root mount /, but is located on a mount with the required disk space, such as /data.
  • Is owned by the Tamr functional user.

Functional User

Operating system users are either user accounts, tied to people, or functional accounts that exist for specific applications to use.
The operating system user account for the administration of Tamr is referred to as the functional user throughout this documentation.


To create an operating system functional user, such as tamr, see


The functional user, such as tamr, must have sudo privileges to perform installation and upgrade steps.


The following ulimits are required for the functional user:

  • Maximum number of open files ulimit -n (nofile): 66000
  • Maximum number of user processes ulimit -u (nproc): unlimited
  • vm.max_map_count set to at least 262144 sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

For RHEL, see How to set ulimit values.


  • One open port is required for inbound web access (the default HTTP port is 9100).
  • Services within Tamr must be able to communicate with each other via HTTP. This is typically arranged by having them use the loopback network interface, named localhost, with no proxy.


  • Postgres 9.4
  • Gzip
  • unzip

Tamr Software Bundle

  • The Tamr software bundle

In addition to Tamr software, includes the following dependencies:


Browser Support for the Web Application

Firefox 43+Chrome
Windows 7/8.1Supported (recommended)Supported (recommended)
Windows 10Not SupportedNot Supported
Mac OSSupportedSupported
Linux OSNot SupportedNot Supported