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Curating Clusters

Lock, pin, move and merge records and their clusters.

Locking Records

To lock records in their clusters:

  1. Navigate to the "Clusters" page of a Mastering project.
  2. Select one or more records.
  3. Click Lock.

Pinning Records


Pinning cluster records allows for their easy comparison and/or movement to other clusters. You can pin a maximum of 99 records at once.

To pin records to the top of the records panel:

  1. Navigate to the "Clusters" page of a Mastering project.
  2. Select one or more records.
  3. Click Pin.
  4. The records are highlighted in green at the top of the page.

Moving Records to a New Cluster


Moving records to a new cluster locks all records in the new cluster.

To move records from a cluster to a new cluster:

  1. Navigate to the "Clusters" page of a Mastering project.
  2. On the right-hand side, select one or more records.
  3. Click Move to new.

Moving Records to an Existing Cluster


Moving records to an existing cluster locks only the records being moved.

Moving Records with Drag and Drop

To move records from a cluster to an existing cluster using drag and drop:

  1. Navigate to the "Clusters" page of a Mastering project.
  2. On the right-hand side, select one or more records via Ctrl + Click or Shift + Click.
  3. Drag and drop the record(s) onto the cluster to which they will be moved.

Note that in Two-Paned Cluster Browser records can be dragged across panes.

Moving Records by Cluster Addition

To move records:

  1. Navigate to the "Clusters" page of a Mastering project.
  2. On the right-hand side, select one or more records via Ctrl + Click or Shift + Click.
  3. On the left-hand side, hover over the existing cluster.
  4. Click the + icon that appears.

Note that in Two-Paned Cluster Browser, the records and the cluster can be in multiple panes.

Merging Clusters

Merging Using Drag and Drop

  1. Navigate to the "Clusters" page of a Mastering project.
  2. On the left-hand side, select one or more clusters via Ctrl + Click or Shift + Click.
  3. Use the small vertical bars to the left of the cluster name to drag the clusters and drop them onto another cluster to be merged.
  4. Choose which cluster to merge into using the dialog. Any of the clusters that currently being dragged, as well as the receiving cluster, will be listed.
  5. Click Merge.

Note that in Two-Paned Cluster Browser clusters can be dragged across panes.

Left-hand-side panel merge


Automatic Survivorship

When merging two-or-more clusters via Actions > Merge, Tamr automatically applies survivorship and survives the cluster id of the cluster with the largest number of records. See Automatic and Manual Survivorship.


Left-hand-side panel Merge merges all records of the selected clusters, regardless of any record filters that are applied.

To merge clusters in the left-hand-side panel:

  1. Navigate to the "Clusters" page of a Mastering project.
  2. On the left-hand side, select two-or-more clusters via Ctrl + Click or Shift + Click.
  3. Click Actions > Merge.
  4. A confirmation dialog appears. Click Confirm.

Note that in Two-Paned Cluster Browser only clusters in the same pane can be merged in the left-hand-side panel.

Similar clusters merge

To merge clusters identified as similar:

  1. Navigate to the "Clusters" page of a Mastering project.
  2. On the left-hand side, select one cluster.
  3. On the top right-hand side, if there are similar clusters, select the Merge icon to the right of the cluster name.
  4. Choose which cluster to merge into using the dialog.
  5. Click Merge.

Similar Clusters

When viewing a selected cluster, its top 3 most similar clusters are displayed beneath its name.

To view a similar cluster in the current web browser tab:

  1. Click the name of the similar cluster.

To open a similar cluster in a new web browser tab:

  1. Click the pop-out link icon beside the name.

To merge two similar clusters:

  1. Click the merge icon beside the name.
  2. Choose which cluster to merge into using the dialog.
  3. Click Merge.

Navigation Using Two-Paned Cluster Browser

Clusters can be compared by viewing two cluster browsers at the same time. Both records and clusters can be drag-and-dropped across panes for easy editing.

The two-paned browser can be accessed from a number of places: the Similar clusters text, the cluster browser, or the records browser. It will appear upon hover for any record or cluster. The icon is two horizontal bars, as displayed below.



Two-Paned Synchronization

Note that sorting and column order will always be synced across both panes.

Reviewing Cluster Information

To see more details about a cluster:

  1. Navigate to the Clusters page of a Mastering Project.
  2. Select a cluster from the left-hand panel.
  3. Click Open details to view cluster change metrics.

In addition to the name, number of records and number of locked records already shown in the cluster card, a graph of cluster size over time is shown if clusters have been previously published. See more information about Publishing Clusters.


Publishing Clusters

After clusters have been generated, curated, and reviewed, they can be published. Publishing saves the current clusters as the latest version visible to downstream consumers, and creates a snapshot of the current state of clusters in Tamr. This snapshot is used to track changes over time.

The number of records that have been added to and removed from the cluster since the last publish is also shown on this side panel, as well as the date of the last publish.

Finally, the cluster's ID is shown in this panel. This ID is permanent for the cluster and is guaranteed to never change.