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Managing Dataset Tags

Create, edit and delete tags, and add to datasets to help search and sort datasets.

Creating and Editing Tags


Tag Properties


  • A tag name must be unique.
  • A tag name contains lower-case alphanumeric characters and _,- only.

Relationship to Datasets: You can add a tag to one or more datasets. A dataset can have one or more tags.

To create or edit a tag:

  1. Navigate to the tab All Datasets .
  2. Select a dataset.
  3. Select Tag and then choose Manage.
  4. Choose Create new tag or choose a tag and edit it.

Deleting a Tag

To delete a tag:

  1. Navigate to the tab All Datasets .
  2. Select a dataset.
  3. Select Tag and then choose Manage.
  4. Select a tag, choose Delete, and confirm the deletion.

Adding a Tag to a Dataset

To add a tag to a dataset:

  1. Navigate to the tab All Datasets.
  2. Select a dataset, choose Tag, and then choose a tag from the list.

Removing a Tag from a Dataset

To remove a tag from a dataset:

  1. Navigate to the tab All Datasets.
  2. Select a dataset. choose Tag, and deselect a specific tag.