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Reviewing Clusters

Review clusters, add comments to provide feedback, and search cluster records.

Filtering to Clusters With My Assignments

To filter to clusters with my assignments:

  1. Navigate to the Clusters tab of a Mastering project.
  2. On the left-hand-side panel, choose the top-left filter icon.
  3. Scroll to ASSIGNMENT.
  4. Select My open assignments and/or My resolved assignments.

Adding a Comment on Cluster Records

As a reviewer, you may find it useful to add comments on some of the records that you verified.

To add a comment on a cluster record:

  1. Navigate to the Clusters tab of a Mastering project.
  2. On the right-hand-side panel, hover over a record and select the speech bubble icon that appears on hover.


  1. Select the record and choose Open details the right-hand side.
  2. Select COMMENTS.

Searching Cluster Records

To search cluster records:

  1. Navigate to the Clusters tab of a Mastering project.
  2. On the top right-hand-side, locate the search box, enter search terms or a query, and choose the search icon.
    For more information about advanced search syntax, see Searching Records.