Working with Golden Records
Review and update golden records by previewing and editing their consolidation rules and overriding some attribute values.
In the golden records project, you can create new rules. Rules show up on the Rules tab. You can preview rules on a small sample of clusters, before applying them to attributes on golden records.
Note: Upon project creation, Tamr creates an initial golden records dataset using the attributes of the selected input dataset and a suggested consolidation rule for each attribute. Tamr uses the default consolidation rule, most common value
. A blue dot beside the attribute's name indicates that Tamr uses the default rule for that attribute. If you change the rule, the blue dot goes away.
To see rules, profile the input dataset(s). Run the job to profile clusters for golden records.
The following diagram shows the workflow:
- Add bookmarks to entities whose rules you'd like to change on the Golden Records page.
- Edit, preview, and save rules on the Rules page.
- Update golden records to apply these rules on the Golden Records page.

Golden records workflow
Previewing Rules for Golden Records
To preview rules, you first add bookmarks for the entities and then switch to the Rules tab to preview and edit rules.
To preview rules:
- On the Golden Records page, select the Rules tab. If it is empty, this means you have not bookmarked any entities.
- Bookmark the entities. On the Golden Records page, the option Select bookmarks shows the following onboarding screen:
"Add bookmarks to entities on your golden records page to view those entities on your rules page. Choose the bookmark icon next to an entity to add it to your bookmarks, or select multiple rows and use the bookmark buttons above the table."
You can dismiss this message once you know how to preview rules.
- To select a single bookmark, choose a bookmark icon to the left of the entity's name and then select Add bookmark.
- To select all entities, choose a checkbox on top of the entities list.
The following screenshot shows how to select a single bookmark.

- Select the Rules tab. This is where you can preview how edits to your rules would impact the bookmarked entities.
- Choose Open rules > Edit rules, and then choose Preview rules.

The following screen shows the Select Bookmarks option for adding bookmarks and the Rules page for previewing and editing rules.

Filtering golden records
You can filter golden records entities by bookmarked/not bookmarked, or by those attributes that have overrides.
To filter entities in golden records:
- Select the filter icon.
- Choose Bookmarks > Bookmarked or Not bookmarked. The results appear.
- Optionally, to filter by which attributes have overrides, under Attribute Overrides, choose Select, and then choose the attributes from the list and choose Okay.
Note: If you have both types of filters selected: Bookmarked/Not bookmarked and attribute overrides, you may get zero results. Experiment to see if the more narrow filter for attribute overrides leads to this effect and remove the filter if needed. To dismiss a filter, choose the filter icon again.

Editing Golden Record Consolidation Rules
To edit an attribute consolidation rule for golden records:
- Navigate to the Golden Records tab of a Golden Records project.
- In the top right, select Open rules.
- Choose the > icon beside the attribute to view its rule.
- Select and edit a consolidation rule. See Golden Record Consolidation Rules.
- Preview your rule to see how it will behave. Choose Preview rules. Tweak the rule as needed.
- Once you are satisfied with the rule, choose Save.
Creating a Golden Record Attribute
To create a golden record attribute:
- Navigate to the Rules tab of a Golden Records project and choose Open rules.
- Choose Create Attribute.
- Enter a value in the field Name.
- Choose Create.
Deleting a Golden Record Attribute
To delete a golden record attribute:
- Navigate to the Rules tab of a Golden Records project and choose Open rules.
- Choose the > icon beside the attribute to view its rule.
- In the bottom left of the expanded rule, click the trashcan icon.
- Choose Delete.
Creating or Editing a Value Override for a Golden Record
To create or edit an attribute value override for a golden record:
- Navigate to the Rules tab of a Golden Records project and choose Open rules.
- Hover over an attribute value in the table and choose the pencil icon.
- Enter a value in the Override field.
- Choose Save.
Deleting a Value Override for a Golden Record
To delete an attribute value override for a golden record:
- Navigate to the Rules tab of a Golden Records project.
- In the table, choose a statically-visible pencil icon.
- In the bottom left, choose the trashcan icon.
Updating Golden Records
To update golden records:
- Navigate to the Golden Records or Rules tab of a Golden Records project.
- In the top right, choose Update Golden Records.
Publishing Golden Records
To publish golden records:
- Navigate to the Golden Records or Rules tab of a Golden Records project.
- In the top right, choose the drop-down arrow under the Update Golden Records button.
- Choose Publish.
Searching Golden Records
To search for attribute names in golden records, use the prefix gr__
See also Searching Records.
Updated over 4 years ago