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Adding a Category

Add a node to any tier in a categorization project's taxonomy.


To add related categories across tiers (a branch), add the parent category first, then the categories in the next tier, and so on.

To add a category to a taxonomy:

  1. Open a categorization project and then select Categories.
  2. To add a Tier 1 category, select the "add" icon (plus sign) above the tier 1 category names, enter its name in the text box that appears, and then select Save.
  3. To add a Tier 2 category, select the Tier 1 category to which you want to add it and then select the add icon for tier 2. Enter the new category name and then select Save.
  4. To add a Tier 3 category, select the Tier 1 category and then the Tier 2 category to which you want to add it and then select the add icon for Tier 3. Enter the new category name and then select Save.

You can also add categories when you are assigning records to categories. The Choose a category for this record dialog box offers the same add (plus sign) icons above each tier.