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Configuring Tamr

Set non-default values for configuration variables in Tamr.

Use the Tamr administrative utility,, to configure Tamr. For the full list of parameters this command takes, see Admin Tool Command Reference.


Restart Tamr to Apply Configuration Changes

After updating configuration variables, you must restart Tamr and its dependencies to apply the changes.


Values with Spaces and Quotes

When running, use these tips:

  • If values contain space characters, wrap them in double quotes, as in: "Value with a space".
  • If values contain quote characters, add a back slash to escape quotes: Quoted_\"Value\".

If Tamr is deployed in an on-premise Hadoop installation, Tamr uses its own Spark configuration, based on the settings found in TAMR_HADOOP_HOME.

Obtaining a full list of configuration variables

You can fetch all configuration variables at once or individually. You can also fetch only those variables that you have explicitly set.

  1. To obtain a list of all configuration variables, run:
<tamr-home-directory>/tamr/utils/ config:get
  1. To obtain one or more configuration variables, run a command similar to this example, separating variable names with spaces:
<tamr-home-directory>/tamr/utils/ config:get TAMR_LICENSE_KEY TAMR_TOTAL_CORES
  1. To obtain all user-defined configuration variables, run:
<tamr-home-directory>/tamr/utils/ config:get --userDefined

Note: --userDefined excludes all default and computed variables.

Setting configuration variables

You can set configuration variables using in two ways:

  • Provide key/value pairs as command arguments. This is useful when configuring a few variables.
  • Provide a YAML file containing their key/value pairs. This is useful when you must set many variables at once.

To set configuration variables as command line arguments:

  1. Run a command similar to this example, separating variable names with spaces:
<tamr-home-directory>/tamr/utils/ config:set TAMR_LICENSE_KEY="12345abc" TAMR_TOTAL_CORES=4 
  1. Restart Tamr and its dependencies. See Restarting.

To set configuration variables for many variables at once with a .yaml file:

  1. Create a YAML file, such as my-config.yaml, with a list of newline-delimited key-value pairs as in this example:
TAMR_LICENSE_KEY: "12345abc"
  1. Run the script as follows:
<tamr-home-directory>/tamr/utils/ config:set --file <path-to-file>/my-config.yaml
  1. Restart Tamr and its dependencies. See Restarting.

Resetting configuration variables to their defaults

You can reset one or more user-defined values. When values are reset, they will go back to their defaults, or the formulas will be re-evaluated, as applicable. If other properties depend on the values that have been reset, they will also be re-evaluated.

  1. To reset all configuration variables, run:
<tamr-home-directory>/tamr/utils/ config:reset
  1. To reset one or more configuration variables, run a command similar to this example, separating variable names with spaces:
<tamr-home-directory>/tamr/utils/ config:reset TAMR_LICENSE_KEY TAMR_TOTAL_CORES
  1. Restart Tamr and its dependencies. See Restarting.


Changing the default Tamr port

You can change the access HTTP port that Tamr uses by default from 9100 to another port.

To change the port:

  1. Set the following configuration variables to the new port number:
<tamr-home-directory>/tamr/utils/ config:set TAMR_UNIFY_BIND_PORT="port-number" TAMR_UNIFY_PORT="port-number"
  1. To apply the new values, restart Tamr and its dependencies. See Restarting.

Changing the default timeout

You can change the timeout for Tamr services from the default of 5 minutes using the following variables:

  • TAMR_SERVICES_START_UP_NUMBER_OF_RETRIES is the number of retries to connect to Tamr microservices upon startup. The default is 50 times.
  • TAMR_SERVICES_START_UP_RETRY_INTERVAL_SECONDS is the interval (in seconds) between retries to connect to Tamr microservices upon startup. The default is 6.
  1. Set the following configuration variables to the new interval and number of retries:
<tamr-home-directory>/tamr/utils/ config:set TAMR_SERVICES_START_UP_NUMBER_OF_RETRIES="number-of-retries" TAMR_SERVICES_START_UP_RETRY_INTERVAL_SECONDS="interval-length"
  1. To apply the new values, restart Tamr and its dependencies. See Restarting.