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EXPLODE creates one row for every element in an array.

You may choose to EXPLODE an attribute if you want a separate row for each value in an array.

The template for EXPLODE is
EXPLODE attribute; or EXPLODE expression AS attribute;

You can only EXPLODE attributes or expressions which are arrays. If an attribute or expression contains nested arrays, you can EXPLODE the attribute multiple times. Each statement, however, can only include one EXPLODE at a time.

Basic Example

Let's say our data looks like this, with an array of strings in the Name attribute.

MAJohn, Smith
NYCarol, Baldwin

You could write the statement EXPLODE Name and each element of the Name array will be separated into its own row:



There are two forms of EXPLODE:

  • EXPLODE INNER drops the corresponding row when the attribute or expression is an empty array or null

  • EXPLODE OUTER preserves empty arrays and nulls, generating a null in the exploded row instead.

If you do not specify INNER or OUTER, EXPLODE is INNER by default.

Let's explore these two forms. We'll start with initial data containing different types of empty and nulls, which we describe in a third column so you can see how they are treated differently.

Our initial data looks like this:

MAJohn, SmithNo nulls or empty values
NYCarolA single value in an array
CAAlex, null The second value in the array is null
MI,Two empty strings in an array
COnullNo array, the value in this cell is null
TXnull , nullAn array of nulls
KYAn empty array

If we EXPLODE INNER Name, the result will be:

MAJohnNo nulls or empty values
MASmithNo nulls or empty values
NYCarolA single value in an array
CAAlexThe second value in the array is null
CAnullThe second value in the array is null
MITwo empty strings in an array
MITwo empty strings in an array
TXnullAn array of nulls
TXnullAn array of nulls

Notice how the rows for CO and KY disappeared since INNER drops a row if it is an empty array or null. Any nulls or empty values in an array, however, received their own row. You can see this behavior for CA, MI, and TX, these values were each given their own row.

Alternatively, if we had written EXPLODE OUTER Name, the result will be:

MAJohnNo nulls or empty values
MASmithNo nulls or empty values
NYCarolA single value in an array
CAAlexThe second value in the array is null
CAnullThe second value in the array is null
MITwo empty strings in an array
MITwo empty strings in an array
COnullNo array, the value in this cell is null
TXnullAn array of nulls
TXnullAn array of nulls
KYnullAn empty array

Here you can see the null value for CO is generated by a new null, and a new null is also generated for the empty array in KY.