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Requirements for installing Tamr on a single server.

For hardware requirements, see Single-Node Deployments.
Note: Do not run other software on a server where you intend to install and deploy Tamr.

Operating System

Creating a Functional User

Operating system users are either user accounts, tied to people, or functional accounts that exist for specific applications to use.
The operating system user account for the administration of Tamr is referred to as the functional user throughout this documentation.

To create an operating system functional user, such as tamr, see

Setting the Functional User Privileges

The functional user, such as tamr, must have sudo privileges to perform installation and upgrade steps.

Setting ulimit Limits

Configure the following ulimit resource limits for the Tamr functional user.

To set ulimit resource limits:

  1. Create a new file, 99-tamr.conf in the directory /etc/security/limits.d. Do not edit the file /etc/security/limits.conf directly.
  2. Add the configuration to this file as shown in the following example.
# /etc/security/limits.d/99-tamr.conf 
*               soft    nofile       1000000
*               hard    nofile       1000000
*               soft    nproc        104381
*               hard    nproc        104381
  1. Verify the current values:
  • The maximum number of open files (nofile) is 1000000. To confirm the current value, run ulimit -n.
  • The maximum number of user processes (nproc) is 104381. To confirm the current value, run ulimit -u.

For more information about ulimit resource limits, see:

Setting vm.max_map_count

You can change the maximum number of memory map areas a process may have, specified with vm.max_map_count. The maximum number of memory map areas is 262144.

  • To set the value for the current Tamr session, use sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=<value>.
  • To persist the change so it applies when you restart the Tamr instance, edit the file /etc/sysctl.conf and add a line at the end containing: vm.max_map_count=<value>.

Setting up Ports

  • You can access the user interface for Tamr and Tamr APIs over a single port for inbound web access. The default HTTP port Tamr uses is 9100.
  • Tamr and its dependent services use other ports, but these typically do not need to be exposed for inbound access.
  • Optionally, we recommend to make the monitoring port accessible for inbound web traffic. The default port number is 31101. For more information, see Monitoring.

Tamr Software Package and Versions of Dependent Components

The Tamr software bundle is In addition to the Tamr software package, the software bundle includes the following dependencies:

JavaOpenJDK 8

Required Postgres Version

Tamr requires PostgreSQL v12. Since Postgres 10, minor releases of Postgress contain only bug and security fixes. These minor releases are fully compatible with each other. We recommend that installing or upgrade to the latest minor version of Postgres 12. See Installing Postgres and Upgrading Postgres.

Browser Support for the Web Application

Firefox 43+Chrome
Windows 7/8.1Supported (recommended)Supported (recommended)
Windows 10Not SupportedNot Supported
Mac OSSupportedSupported
Linux OSNot SupportedNot Supported