Update low latency match data
API Properties
Implementation Details:
This method returns the ID of an operation unless LLM is up-to-date with the latest dedup data. If LLM has not been initialized it returns the initialization operation. If LLM has been initialized, but data needs to be materialized, it will return the materialization operation. If LLM initialization is required, this method may generate both operations and return the initialization operation. If the data is up-to-date, -1 is returned.During an LLM update, existing LLM data is used to process match requests. Once the update is complete the newer data is used for matching. LLM manages update transactions to ensure LLM data is always consistent.
Initialization operation completion is not sufficient
If LLM initialization is required, the operation returned by this method may not be the final operation required for the LLM to be queryable: this method will also run a materialization operation. Use the API endpoint Query LLM Status to determine when the LLM is queryable.