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Export categorization labels from a categorization project

Return all categorizations for a project, both verified and suggested by Tamr. Records are streamed out as new-line separated categorization records that are in the format:

  "recordId": "...",
  "verified" {
    "category": {
      "categoryId": "resourceId of category, e.g.unify://my-instance/v1/projects/1/taxonomy/categories/3",
      "path": [ /* string array representing the path of the category */ ],
      "reason": "optional description of why this categorization was verified"
  "suggested": {
    "scores": [{
      "category": {
        "categoryId": "resourceId of category, e.g.unify://my-instance/v1/projects/1/taxonomy/categories/3",
        "path": [/* string array representing the path of the category */]
      "score": /* score given to this category suggestion*/,
      "aboveThreshold": /* true if the score is over the threshold set in the project's configuration */

Where the scores are repeated for every level in the category hierarchy that was suggested.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!