post http://localhost:9100/api/export
Export datasets.
Configuration {
formatConfiguration (Configuration, optional, read only),
datasetId (integer, optional, read only),
revision (integer, optional, read only),
columns (Array[string], optional, read only)
"@class": "com.tamr.procurify.models.export.JsonFormat$Configuration"
"@class": "com.tamr.procurify.models.export.CsvFormat$Configuration",
"delimiterCharacter": ",",
"quoteCharacter": "\"",
"nullValue": "",
"writeHeader": "true"
Request Parameters
The following parameters required in the request body can be captured from the response of the GET /api/dataset/datasets/named/{datasetName} API.
datasetId: This is the dataset document
.revision: This is the dataset document
attribute.columns: This is the dataset document
DocumentExport {
documentId (DocumentId, read only),
created (Checkpoint, read only),
lastModified (Checkpoint, read only),
data (Export, read only)
DocumentId {
namespace (string, read only),
id (integer, read only)
Checkpoint {
username (string, read only),
timestamp (integer, read only),
version (integer, read only)
Export {
format (Format, optional, read only),
datasetId (integer, optional, read only),
revision (integer, optional, read only),
columns (Array[string], optional, read only),
jobId (integer, optional, read only)
Format {
path (string, optional)