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The Project Object

The project object consists of metadata about a project.

idThe deployment-specific ID of the project returned. Unique across the entire Tamr deployment.String
nameThe user-given name of the project. Must be unique.String
descriptionOptional. The description of the project.String
typeThe user-specified project type. The most frequently used types are DEDUP, CATEGORIZATION, and SCHEMA_MAPPING_RECOMMENDATIONS.Project Type
unifiedDatasetNameThe user-specified name for the project's unified dataset.String
createdMetadata about the creation of the project: the user who created it, when it was created, and the version.Checkpoint
lastModifiedMetadata about the most recent update of the project: the user who last modified it, when it was updated, and the version.Checkpoint
relativeIdThe ID of the project stripped of the instance name. This ID can be used in API calls.String
externalIdA case-insensitive ID which must be unique across all projects. It can be specified at creation or will be set by default.String
    "id": "unify://unified-data/v1/projects/1",
    "name": "Example Mastering Project",
    "description": "Example Mastering Project",
    "type": "DEDUP",
    "unifiedDatasetName": "Example_Mastering_Project_Unified_Dataset",
    "created": {
      "username": "admin",
      "time": "2019-02-07T13:50:07.035Z",
      "version": "21"
    "lastModified": {
      "username": "admin",
      "time": "2019-02-07T13:50:07.035Z",
      "version": "21"
    "relativeId": "projects/1",
    "externalId": "Example Mastering Project"