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Retrieve Downstream Dataset Usage

Report usages of a dataset by recipes and downstream datasets

Response Fields

Returns a JSON object with information about which specific project steps and datasets rely on the dataset in question. Both the usage and dependencies fields are lists of JSON objects containing the following:

datasetIdThe deployment-specific ID of the dataset returned. Unique across the entire deployment of Tamr.
datasetNameThe name of the dataset. Will either be user-given, or Tamr generated to reflect which project and step the dataset is associated with.
inputToProjectStepsA list of all project steps to which the dataset is used as input.
outputToProjectStepsA list of all project steps from which the dataset is output.

In addition, each project step listed in either inputToProjectSteps or outputToProjectStepscontain the following fields:

projectStepIdThe extended ID of the project step in which the dataset is used. Unique across the entire instance of Tamr.
projectStepNameThe name of the projectStep. Defined by the projectName appended by the type.
projectNameThe name of the project with which the step is associated.
typeThe type of project step in which the dataset is used.