JUMP TOAuthenticate RequestsAuthentication of API RequestsVersioningError HandlingReview Data ModelsThe Dataset ObjectThe Attribute ObjectThe Attribute Configuration ObjectThe Operation ObjectThe Project ObjectThe Published Clusters Configuration ObjectManage Datasets, Attributes, and RecordsManage DatasetsList all DatasetsgetRetrieve a Specific DatasetgetCreate a DatasetpostUpdate a DatasetputDelete a DatasetdeleteMaterialize a DatasetpostRetrieve Upstream Dataset UsagegetRetrieve Downstream Dataset UsagegetRetrieve a Dataset's StatusgetStream a Dataset's RecordsgetTruncate a DatasetdeleteProfile DatasetsProfile a DatasetpostRetrieve Profile Information for a DatasetgetManage AttributesList Attributes from a DatasetgetRetrieve a Specific AttributegetAdd an Attribute to a DatasetpostUpdate an AttributeputDelete an AttributedeleteModify Records in a DatasetInsert, Update, or Delete Records in a DatasetpostWork with Project DatasetsManage ProjectsCreate a ProjectpostList all ProjectsgetRetrieve a Specific ProjectgetUpdate a ProjectputWork with Input Datasets Within a ProjectAdd an Input Dataset to a ProjectpostRetrieve All Input Datasets in a ProjectgetRemove an Input Dataset From a ProjectdeleteWork with a Project's Unified DatasetRetrieve Project's Unified DatasetgetUpdate Unified DatasetpostCreate Schema Mappings for AttributesCreate an Attribute MappingpostRetrieve Project's MappingsgetDelete an Attribute MappingdeleteRun Mastering TasksManage Attribute ConfigurationRetrieve Attribute ConfigurationsgetCreate Attribute ConfigurationpostUpdate an Attribute ConfigurationputDelete an Attribute ConfigurationdeleteStream or Update the Binning ModelStream a Project's Binning ModelgetUpdate a Project's Binning ModelpostCreate, Retrieve, Predict, and Generate PairsGenerate PairspostEstimate Pairs CountgetRetrieve Estimated Pairs CountgetTrain Tamr on Current PairspostPredict PairspostGenerate High Impact PairspostGenerate, Update, and Publish ClustersGenerate ClusterspostPublish ClusterspostRetrieve Published Clusters ConfigurationgetUpdate Published Clusters ConfigurationputRetrieve Published Clusters Given Cluster IDsgetRun Bulk Match and Low Latency Match ActionsBulk Match Records or ClusterspostRetrieve Bulk Match ResultsgetPerform LLM MatchpostQuery LLM StatusgetUpdate LLM DatapostManage Categories and TaxonomyCreate, Train, and Manage CategoriesCreate Tamr CategorizationspostTrain Tamr on Current CategorizationspostRetrieve Categories from a ProjectgetRetrieve a CategorygetBulk Create CategoriespostCreate a CategorypostDelete a CategorydeleteManage a TaxonomyRetrieve a TaxonomygetCreate a TaxonomypostDelete a TaxonomydeleteList and Retrieve OperationsList All OperationsgetRetrieve a Specific OperationgetRetrieve Supported API VersionsgetRun Backups and Check Service HealthManage Storage ProvidersList all Storage ProvidersgetCheck Service Health and VersionGet Service HealthgetGet VersiongetCreate a Backup and Restore From a BackupCreate a BackuppostCheck Backup StatusgetRestore Tamr from a BackuppostCheck the Restore StatusgetUse Advanced Actions (Subject to Change)Create or Update User GroupspostExport DatasetspostRead the Exported DatasetgetProcurement Datasets CategorizationspostClassification Export ModelgetClassification Import ModelpostImport and Export Dedup Model DatasetExport the Dedup ModelgetImport the Dedup ModelpostTamr Versioned APIsupported API versionsList latest supported API version for each supported major version.getservice/service/healthget/service/versiongetbackups (v1)Get all backupsgetInitiate an asynchronous backup operationpostGet a backup by IDgetCancel a running backup, given its IDpostdatasets (v1)List all datasetsgetCreate a datasetpostDelete a datasetdeleteGet a dataset by IDgetOverwrite a datasetputList a dataset's attributesgetCreate an attribute for a datasetpostDelete an attributedeleteGet an attribute of a datasetgetUpdate an attributeputGet profile info for a dataset, if availablegetGenerate dataset profile information if not already generatedpostTruncate a dataset's recordsdeleteStream the contents of a dataset as JSON recordsgetReport status of a datasetgetList a dataset's upstream datasets by IDgetReport usages of a dataset by project steps and downstream datasetsgetMaterialize a dataset and its associated viewspostModify a dataset's recordspostinstances (v1)Get the description of the most recent restore operation, if anygetInitiate an asynchronous restore operationpostCancel the currently running restorepostAttempts to login using the provided credentialspostoperations (v1)Get a list of all operations.getFetch an operation.getprojects (v1)List all projectsgetCreate a projectpostGet a project by IDgetUpdate (overwrite) a projectputPublish clusterspostGet a project's attribute configurationsgetCreate an attribute configurationpostDelete an attribute configurationdeleteReplace (overwrite) an attribute configurationputGet an attribute configurationgetList all project attribute mappingsgetCreate an attribute mappingpostDelete an attribute mappingdeleteList a dataset's attributesgetCreate an attribute for a datasetpostDelete an attributedeleteGet an attribute of a datasetgetUpdate an attributeputStream the contents of the binning model as JSON recordsgetModify the binning model's recordspostGet configuration related to categorization in this projectgetUpdate categorization configurationputExport categorization labels from a categorization projectgetImport categorization labels into a categorization projectpostExport the categorization model for a categorization project in a zipped formatgetImport the categorization model for a categorization project in a zipped formatpostTrain categorization for a categorization projectpostPredict categorization for a categorization projectpostGet the estimated counts of record pairs for each binning model clausegetRefresh the estimated counts of record pairs for the binning model clausespostRefresh Golden Records datasetpostUpdate profile for the Golden Records projectpostDelete a datasetdeleteGet a dataset by IDgetOverwrite a datasetputList a dataset's attributesgetCreate an attribute for a datasetpostDelete an attributedeleteGet an attribute of a datasetgetUpdate an attributeputGet profile info for a dataset, if availablegetGenerate dataset profile information if not already generatedpostTruncate a dataset's recordsdeleteStream the contents of a dataset as JSON recordsgetReport status of a datasetgetList a dataset's upstream datasets by IDgetReport usages of a dataset by project steps and downstream datasetsgetGenerate high-impact pairspostRemove an input dataset from a projectdeleteGet all input datasets in a projectgetAdd an input dataset to a projectpostRemove an input dataset from a projectdeletePublish clusterspostGet all versions of one or more published clusterpostDelete a datasetdeleteGet a dataset by IDgetOverwrite a datasetputList a dataset's attributesgetCreate an attribute for a datasetpostDelete an attributedeleteGet an attribute of a datasetgetUpdate an attributeputGet profile info for a dataset, if availablegetGenerate dataset profile information if not already generatedpostTruncate a dataset's recordsdeleteStream the contents of a dataset as JSON recordsgetReport status of a datasetgetList a dataset's upstream datasets by IDgetReport usages of a dataset by project steps and downstream datasetsgetPublish clusterspostGet published clusters configurationgetUpdate published clusters configurationputDelete a datasetdeleteGet a dataset by IDgetOverwrite a datasetputList a dataset's attributesgetCreate an attribute for a datasetpostDelete an attributedeleteGet an attribute of a datasetgetUpdate an attributeputGet profile info for a dataset, if availablegetGenerate dataset profile information if not already generatedpostTruncate a dataset's recordsdeleteStream the contents of a dataset as JSON recordsgetReport status of a datasetgetList a dataset's upstream datasets by IDgetReport usages of a dataset by project steps and downstream datasetsgetPublish clusterspostPublish the Golden Records output datasetpostDelete a datasetdeleteGet a dataset by IDgetOverwrite a datasetputList a dataset's attributesgetCreate an attribute for a datasetpostDelete an attributedeleteGet an attribute of a datasetgetUpdate an attributeputGet profile info for a dataset, if availablegetGenerate dataset profile information if not already generatedpostTruncate a dataset's recordsdeleteStream the contents of a dataset as JSON recordsgetReport status of a datasetgetList a dataset's upstream datasets by IDgetReport usages of a dataset by project steps and downstream datasetsgetCluster predicted pairspostDelete a datasetdeleteGet a dataset by IDgetOverwrite a datasetputList a dataset's attributesgetCreate an attribute for a datasetpostDelete an attributedeleteGet an attribute of a datasetgetUpdate an attributeputGet profile info for a dataset, if availablegetGenerate dataset profile information if not already generatedpostTruncate a dataset's recordsdeleteStream the contents of a dataset as JSON recordsgetReport status of a datasetgetList a dataset's upstream datasets by IDgetReport usages of a dataset by project steps and downstream datasetsgetCluster predicted pairspostDelete a datasetdeleteGet a dataset by IDgetOverwrite a datasetputList a dataset's attributesgetCreate an attribute for a datasetpostDelete an attributedeleteGet an attribute of a datasetgetUpdate an attributeputGet profile info for a dataset, if availablegetGenerate dataset profile information if not already generatedpostTruncate a dataset's recordsdeleteStream the contents of a dataset as JSON recordsgetReport status of a datasetgetList a dataset's upstream datasets by IDgetReport usages of a dataset by project steps and downstream datasetsgetGenerate pairs for a mastering projectpostDelete a datasetdeleteGet a dataset by IDgetOverwrite a datasetputList a dataset's attributesgetCreate an attribute for a datasetpostDelete an attributedeleteGet an attribute of a datasetgetUpdate an attributeputTrain the mastering modelpostGet profile info for a dataset, if availablegetGenerate dataset profile information if not already generatedpostTruncate a dataset's recordsdeleteStream the contents of a dataset as JSON recordsgetReport status of a datasetgetList a dataset's upstream datasets by IDgetReport usages of a dataset by project steps and downstream datasetsgetPredict record pairspostGet all versions of one or more published cluster given identifiers of records in thempostDelete a taxonomy of a project -- and all categoriesdeleteGet the taxonomy of a categorization projectgetCreate a taxonomy and add it to a categorization projectpostGet the categories of a categorization projectgetCreate a category and add it to a categorization projectpostDelete a category by ID -- and all its childrendeleteGet a category by IDgetUpdate a category in a categorization project.putBulk upload categories to a categorization projectpostGet a project's transformationsgetUpdate a project's transformationsputDelete a datasetdeleteGet a dataset by IDgetOverwrite a datasetputList a dataset's attributesgetCreate an attribute for a datasetpostDelete an attributedeleteGet an attribute of a datasetgetUpdate an attributeputGet profile info for a dataset, if availablegetGenerate dataset profile information if not already generatedpostTruncate a dataset's recordsdeleteStream the contents of a dataset as JSON recordsgetReport status of a datasetgetList a dataset's upstream datasets by IDgetReport usages of a dataset by project steps and downstream datasetsgetCommit the unified dataset of a projectpostModify a dataset's recordspostBulkMatch (v1)Fetch match query record results for a Match Results ID.getInitiate an asynchronous match query.postLowLatencyMatch (v1)Update low latency match data.poststorage providers (v1)List all storage providersgetList all datasetsget http://localhost:9100/api/versioned/v1/datasets