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The Operation Object

The operation object contains metadata about the operation created. The status of an operation can be checked using the operation endpoint.

idThe deployment-specific ID of the operation returned. Unique across the entire deployment of Tamr.String
typeThe type of operation submitted.String
descriptionThe description of the operation submitted.String
statusThe state of the operation, and a message describing it. Status is one of RUNNING, FAILED, or SUCCEEDED.Status
createdMetadata about the creation of the operation: the user who created it, when it was created, and the version.Checkpoint
lastModifiedMetadata about the most recent update of the operation: the user who created it, when it was created, and the version.Checkpoint
relativeIdThe relative ID of the operation returned. Unique across the specific instance of Tamr.String
  "id": "10",
  "type": "SPARK",
  "description": "Publish clusters",
  "status": {
    "state": "SUCCEEDED",
    "startTime": "2019-02-27T15:43:02.478Z",
    "endTime": "2019-02-27T15:48:16.019Z",
    "message": "{\n  \"action\" : \"SubmissionStatusResponse\",\n \"driverState\" : \"FINISHED\",\n  \"serverSparkVersion\" : \"2.2.0\",\n  \"submissionId\" : \"driver-20190227154257-0001\",\n  \"success\" : true,\n  \"workerHostPort\" : \"<host>:34591\",\n  \"workerId\" : \"worker-20190201172452-<host>-34591\"\n}"
  "created": {
    "username": "admin",
    "time": "2019-02-27T15:42:43.703Z",
    "version": "1757"
  "lastModified": {
    "username": "system",
    "time": "2019-02-27T15:48:18.180Z",
    "version": "1857"
  "relativeId": "operations/10"