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Add an Attribute to a Dataset

Create an attribute for a dataset

This endpoint allows you to add an attribute to a dataset by specifying the name and type of the attribute. An optional description can also be included.

For an example, a post body like:

  "name": "myAttribute",
  "description": "my attribute description",
  "type": {
    "baseType": "ARRAY",
    	"innerType": {
       	"baseType": "STRING"

will add a new attribute named myAttribute with the type ARRAY[STRING] (which is an array of strings) and a description.

Response Fields

A successful response will mirror the data you posted, returning a JSON describing the attribute object.

nameThe name of the attribute.
descriptionOptional. The description of the attribute. Will only be included in the response if it was included in the post body.
typeThe type of the attribute. Will contain a base type. For certain base types, such as array or map, it will also contain an inner type describing the type contained by the base type (e.g. boolean or int).