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The Attribute Configuration Object

Any unified attribute will have a configuration describing how it is used in machine learning. This configuration is described by a configuration object that can be created, read, deleted, or updated.

idThe deployment-specific ID of the attribute configuration returned. Unique across the entire deployment of Tamr.String
relativeIdThe relative ID of the attribute configuration returned.String
relativeAttributeIdThe relative ID of the unified dataset attribute to which the configuration applies.String
attributeRoleOptional. The specific role, if any, for which the associated attribute is to be used. Possible values include: SUM_ATTRIBUTE (i.e. spend) or CLUSTER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE (i.e. supplier). Each specific role can only apply to a single attribute in a unified dataset. The default is no specific role.String
similarityFunctionThe similarity function to use for the unified dataset attribute. Possible values include: COSINE, JACQUARD, ABSOLUTE_DIFF, and RELATIVE_DIFF. ABSOLUTE_DIFF is the default.String
enabledForMLWhether the unified dataset attribute is being included in machine learning operations.Boolean
tokenizerThe tokenizer used for tokenizing text values. Possible values include: DEFAULT, STEMMING_EN, BIGRAM, TRIGRAM, BI-WORD, and REGEX. Either this field or numericFieldResolution may be specified, but not both.String
numericFieldResolutionIndicates how to process numeric values. Either this field or tokenizer may be specified, but not both.Array[int]
attributeNameThe user-specified name of the attribute.String
  "id": "unify://unified-data/v1/projects/1/attributeConfigurations/1",
  "relativeId": "projects/1/attributeConfigurations/1",
  "relativeAttributeId": "datasets/5/attributes/City",
  "attributeRole": "",
  "similarityFunction": "COSINE",
  "enabledForMl": true,
  "tokenizer": "BIGRAM",
  "numericFieldResolution": [],
  "attributeName": "City"