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The Dataset Object

The dataset object consists of metadata about the dataset.

In addition, datasets have a list of attributes associated with them.

idThe deployment-specific ID of the dataset returned. Unique across the entire Tamr deployment.String
nameThe user-given name of the dataset. Must be unique.String
descriptionOptional. The description of the dataset.String
versionA unique ID of the dataset at its current version, which will change with modifications or updates.String
keyAttributeNamesThe name(s) of the attribute(s) being used by Tamr as the primary key.Array[String]
tagsA list of any tags associated with the dataset. May be empty.Array[String]
createdMetadata about the creation of the dataset: the user who created it, when it was created, and the version.Checkpoint
lastModifiedMetadata about the most recent update of the dataset: the user who last modified it, when it was updated, and the version.Checkpoint
externalDatasetConfigOnly returned for external datasets. Describes the storage provider and file path for the dataset.External Dataset Config
relativeIdThe relative ID of the dataset returned. Unique across the specific instance of Tamr.String
upstreamDatasetIdsA list of IDs of upstream datasets.Array[String]
externalIdA case-insensitive ID which must be unique across all datasets. It can be specified at creation or will be set by default.String
  "id": "unify://unified-data/v1/datasets/1",
  "name": "My Dataset",
  "description": "So much data in here!",
  "version": "521",
  "keyAttributeNames": ["F1"],
  "tags": [],
  "created": {
    "username": "admin",
    "time": "2017-11-15T16:35:31.858Z",
    "version": "4703"
  "lastModified": {
    "username": "admin",
    "time": "2017-11-15T16:35:31.910Z",
    "version": "4708"
  "relativeId": "datasets/1",
  "upstreamDatasetIds": [],
  "externalId": "My Dataset"