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Get matching records for the input records

Returns a stream of PredictionPair

Note: This endpoint pairs incoming query records that pass the blocking model with records in an existing mastering project and returns match/no-match labels for the pairs. Along with the v1/projects/{project}:matchClusters endpoint, it replaces the functionality of the v1/projects/{project}:match endpoint which remains available for backward compatibility.

The request body is a set of external records to match against records in an existing mastering project. The external records must have have the same attributes as the unified dataset for the project, separated by newlines.

Requirements for Streaming Records

To provide multiple records as an input, or stream records, follow these guidelines:

  • Swagger endpoints available within Tamr Core do not support streaming. To add multiple input records, use cURL for this endpoint.
  • When making an LLM match request with cURL, use the --data-binary instead of the -d option.

Response Fields

Match/no-match record information is returned as a response stream, so matches are returned as soon as the first batch of records is processed. For record pairs, the response output is similar to the following example:

  "queryRecordId": "query-record-id",
  "matchedRecordId": "matched-record-id",
  "suggestedLabel": "MATCH",
  "suggestedLabelConfidence": 0.94,
  "matchProbability": 0.55,
  "attributeSimilarities": {
    "f1": 0.0,
    "f2": 1.0,
    "f3": 0.5
  "userDefinedSignals": {
    "s1": 0.6,
    "s2": 0.8
  "matchingFunctionsPredictions": {
    "mf1": "MATCH",
    "mf2": "NON_MATCH"
  "overrideMatchingFunctionMajorityPrediction": 0.46,
  "finalMatchProbability": 0.81

Record Parameters

queryRecordIdThe ID of the record from the POST body.
matchedRecordIdThe Tamr ID of the record paired with the query record by the blocking model.
matchedOriginSourceIdThe origin dataset of the record returned as a match.
matchedOriginRecordIdThe origin ID of the record returned as a match.
suggestedLabelMATCH or NON-MATCH for the query record.
suggestedLabelConfidenceThe confidence level of the label.
attributeSimilaritiesA JSON object with each attribute that was compared and the confidence level for each attribute.
matchProbabilityThe match probability of the record pair. This value is in the range [0, 1], where 0 indicates a highly probably non-match and 1 indicates a highly probably match.
userDefinedSignalsA JSON object with the external ID of each user-defined signal to the signal value for the record pair.
matchingFunctionsPredictionsA JSON object with the external ID of each matching function to the function output for the record pair.
overrideMatchingFunctionMajorityPredictionThe overall match prediction across all override matching functions (if any), where 0 indicates a non-match and 1 indicates a match.
finalMatchProbabilityThe final match probability of the record pair, which is equal to overrideMatchingFunctionMajorityPrediction if defined, and otherwise is equal to matchProbability.

API Properties

  • Request Type: Synchronous. Match requests use the mastering project's most recent model.
  • Request Processing: Streaming
  • Response Processing: Streaming

Note: This method has two query parameters that are available in limited release: transform and defaultSourceName. Tamr recommends using these parameters for testing purposes only.

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